Please use the following form to submit your extended abstract. You must select first the number of authors signing the paper (maximum of 6) and then the number of institutions which these authors are affiliated to (maximum of 6). Next, enter the institutions, which will be numbered from 1 to 6, and then enter the author names together with the ordinal number of the institution which they belong to. Finally enter the abstract, it should be plain text, with no symbols, figures or equations and a maximum length of 4000 characters (about two A4 pages).
This information will be indexed and printed in the book of abstracts.
If you wish to provide a lengthier abstract, or a full paper, with symbols, figures and equations, you can attach such a file as a pdf file, which must be formatted using the Word template that can be downloaded from the following link, or the LaTeX template that can be downloaded from here. These papers will not be subject to peer-review and will be distributed on a digital support.
After the conference some authors, chosen by the members of the scientific committee present at the conference, will be requested to submit a manuscript for consideration of publication in two special issues, one for Mathematical Geosciences, and one for Spatial Statistics.
When uploading the paper give it the name “YourLastName.pdf”.
Example input for an abstract with three authors from two institutions.
The abstract for the example input will look like this.
[gravityform id=3 name=Extendedabstract submission title=false description=false]